Self isolation pay: Can i still get 80% pay if I have to self isolate? Job retention scheme: If you quit or made redundant can you get 80% of salary on furlough?

CORONAVIRUS has brought the world to a standstill as the global death toll climbs to 20,473. Concerns are growing every day as more and more people find themselves out of work with the looming threat of COVID-19. Can you get 80 percent of your wages if you need to self isolate?

AS ECONOMIC effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continue to be felt, workers are feeling the pinch as many have been laid off or cannot work due to self-isolation. If you are put on furlough, can you still claim 80 percent of your salary? 

Chancellor Rishi Sunak recently announced an unprecedented financial package of £30bn – equivalent to 1.5 percent of our GDP – to help out businesses and employers who are suffering as a direct result of coronavirus. Companies will have until the end of the financial year to pay back bills accumulated throughout this period.

Can key workers get paid to self-isolate?

Key workers include:
• NHS staff
• Social care workers
• Schools and nurseries
• Police officers and court staff
• Religious staff
• Journalists
• Some Government staff
• Delivery workers
• Supermarket staff
• Army and MoD
• Firefighters
• Prison and probation workers
• Transport staff
• Infrastructure - gas and electric
The government has introduced a number of measures to help businesses both large and small to stay afloat. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme helps businesses who may not be able to cover staff salaries while not operating.
It goes up to a cap of £2,500 per month and is backdated to the March 1
However, the government is still putting together how the scheme will operate and how businesses and individuals can claim.
The outstanding issue is what happens to employers’ national insurance contributions, which amount to about 13.8 percent of the majority of a worker’s salary.
All UK businesses are eligible regardless of financial standing.

Can I claim if I’ve been laid off or quit?

As the pledge to meet 80 percent of wages applies to everyone who is on PAYE, if you have been made redundant before March 1, it is unclear whether you can change to become a furloughed worker.
Laura Kearsley, partner and solicitor specialising in employment law at East Midlands law firm Nelsons, said: “The scheme is backdated to March 1, 2020 and employers are urged by the government to take back anyone they had already dismissed and convert them to this leave instead.”
The Bank of England has urged companies to use the scheme instead of making redundancies.
Andrew Bailey, who replaced former governor Mark Carney this week, said companies should “stop, look at what’s available, come and talk to us [or] the government” before they decide to reduce headcount.
Whether your employer puts you on furlough is out of your hands.
When you are on furlough you are still on payroll and must not undertake other work.
Employees cannot claim if they are still going to work.
The government has not published guidelines for workers who may have voluntarily quit their jobs due to coronavirus.Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the scheme last week.
He said: “The economic intervention that I’m announcing today is unprecedented in the history of the British state.”
He added: “We’re setting up a new Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
“Any employer in the country – small or large, charitable or non-profit - will be eligible for the scheme.

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