Tommy Robinson supporter admits verbally abusing female journalist he said was ‘Muslim-backed’ Restaurant owner William Eve denies abuse was religiously aggravated

Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia
Tommy Robinson supporter has admitted to verbally abusing a journalist at a protest and accusing her of being "Muslim-backed".
William Eve, a restaurant owner from north-east London, was caught on camera insulting a female reporter and demanding to know whether she was “with or against” the English Defence League (EDL) founder.
Westminster Magistrates' Court heard the 57-year-old shouted at Al Jazeera’s Sonia Gallego during a “Free Tommy” protest that merged with a pro-Donald Trump rally in July.
Prosecutor Robert Simpson said: “The complainant is someone who is a reporter for Al Jazeera. She was conducting interviews and recording them.
“She was approached by the defendant, asked who she was, he found out and made the comment 'so you're Muslim-backed'. He went on to say she was stupid and call her a slag.”Eve was filmed demanding to know who Ms Gallego worked for and asking: “Are you with Tommy Robinson or against him?”
The journalist said she was not taking any sides in her reporting but Eve accused her of being “Muslim-backed” and called her “f***ing stupid” when she asked what he meant.
Mr Simpson said he also “jabbed a finger towards” Ms Gallego, who recorded the incident in central London.

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